Elon Musk started posting actively on X (formerly Twitter) this weekend, making a clear stance against particular Brazilian court orders. Musk claimed an “aggressive censorship” going on, which may cause the X Corporation to lose “all revenue in Brazil.”
On April 6, X Corp’s Global Government Affairs account informed its users that court decisions forced the platform to block specific Brazilian accounts. The company explained it does not have more information on the reasonings or which laws were broken.
Moreover, X disclosed being prohibited from saying whom the order came from and which accounts it affected. As announced, Global Government Affairs said they challenged the orders in the belief they are not by Brazilian laws and the Constitution, making a stance in favor of free speech and transparency.
Elon Musk challenges allegedly censorship in Brazil
Interestingly, Elon Musk started to actively post on that matter, besides the official X Corporation communication. In a comment, he addressed the regulatory and financial consequences of his actions, saying:
“We are lifting all restrictions. This judge has applied massive fines, threatened to arrest our employees, and cut off access to 𝕏 in Brazil. As a result, we will probably lose all revenue in Brazil and have to shut down our office there. But principles matter more than profit.”
– Elon Musk
Previously, the multi-billionaire slammed an “aggressive censorship” that “appears to violate the law and will of the people of Brazil.” His post quoted an extensive source with many pieces of evidence in what the journalist Michael Shellenberger called Twitter Files – Brazil.